VLoad - Merchant API


VLoad is a prepaid top-up voucher service that enables customers to make online payments. VLoad uses a 16-digit PIN that represents the equavalent cash value indicated on the voucher, which is individually encoded and issued, in exchange for payment at merchant website. A range of denominations and currencies are available.This API document is intended for Participating Merchants to implement point of redemption mechanism on their website, which enables customer to enter the 16-digits PIN to make purchases.

Flow of Process:

  1. Customer enters 16 to 20 digit PIN number on the voucher in a PIN field
  2. Voucher Validate: VLoad API will check the status of the PIN (ACTIVE, OPEN or USED)
  3. Voucher Redeem: VLoad API will mark off the entered PIN as USED to finalise the purchase

Error Handling

Result Descripton Meaning
0 Success Transaction has been processed succesfully
503 Error Maintenance Mode
4019 Voucher Type or value is not accepted The voucher type or Value is not accepted by merchant
4071 Fraud suspicion The voucher is blocked and can not be used at this time
4072 Voucher is used The voucher has already been used
4073 Voucher is not active The voucher is not in an active status and can not be used
4074 Voucher is expired The voucher has expired and can not be used
4075 Voucher is not found The voucher can not be found
4076 Decline Mismatch Customer match score overpass decline treshold
4080 Voucher has insufficient value The voucher value is insufficient for the request
5000 Store data is not available Store data is not available

Payout Error Handling:

Result Descripton Meaning
403 Unauthorized You are not authorized to access this resource
4081 No amount remains Total payout amount exceeded
4082 Exceed available remains Requested amount exceds the avilable balance
4083 Customer exceed balance Customer Tier limit execeeded
4085 General exception Something went wrong.
4086 Missing parameters Some parameters are missing.
4087 Invalid value Invalid customer id or amount
4088 Customer mismatch Customer mismatch.

HMAC Authentication

HMAC Authentication is required for all endpoints using the following HTTP header format

AUTHENTICATION: HMAC [api_key]:[signature]:[nonce]

REST API Test Environment URL: https://testrest.vload.expert

REST API Production Environment URL: https://rest.vload.expert

Parameter Description
api_key Merchant API Key
signature The following data sha256 hashed with the Merchant Secret
Request method (eg GET)
Request URI (eg /Validate)
nonce (eg 14333247747)
JSON Body of the request
nonce Unique number value for the api request

The HMAC header is made up of your API Key, a signature and a nonce.
To obtain the signature, you will need to append your payload data (Method, URI, Nonce) each separated by a new line(\n).

Below is a sample payload:


Then hash it with your API Secret to obtain your signature:

Eg. using a PHP example, it would look like this:

hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $this->secret);

Finally a single HMAC header would typically look like this:

AUTHENTICATION: HMAC YOUR_API_KEY:4d0067b8471ba820d7e3f9764ce1ac8be0f206f8b3cebd5814d41614dc:1448027968881232

During testing the API key and secret key will be provided to the participating merchant.

Request API keys to your Sales Account Manager / Technical Support

Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

private $rootPath = "https://testrest.vload.expert";

$requestUri = "https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/validate/"; // Validate URL

//$requestUri = "https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/redeem/"; // Redeem URL

$requestMethod = "GET"; // GET : Validate our PUT : Redeem

$mt = explode(' ', microtime());
$nonce = $mt[1] . substr($mt[0], 2, 6);


if (isset($body)) {
	$json = json_encode($body);
$payload = '';                                            //Notice that each line must be separated by a "\n"
$payload .= $requestMethod . "\n";
$payload .= $requestUri . "\n";
$payload .= $nonce . "\n";
$payload .= $json;

$signature = $this->get_signature($payload);      //See get_signature function below

$headers = array('AUTHENTICATION: HMAC ' . 'API KEY' . ':' . $signature . ':' . $nonce);     //This is what the header consists of
private function get_signature($payload) {                           //To obtain signature, hash your payload wirth your API secret
	return hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $this->secret);

Server Status

Retrieve the status of the API

Parameter Description
Action Method GET
URL https://testrest.vload.expert/status

Request Sample

  curl --include \


  "status": "alive"


$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://testrest.vload.expert/status");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);

$response = curl_exec($ch);



Sending Customer IP and ID

Customer ID and IP should be send within redeem request URL and redeem function

Parameter Description Required
customer_id Merchant customer identifier Yes
customer_ip Client IP of the customer who has instigated the transactions Yes
first_name Client first name Optional
last_name Client last name Optional
email Client email address Optional

Request Sample

curl --include \
     --request PUT \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"customer_id\": \"Customer\'s unique identifier\",
    \"customer_ip\": \"Customer\'s IP address\",
}" \


$customer_id = '3322111'; // Unique Customer ID
$customer_ip = '';
$first_name = 'David';
$last_name = 'Ramirez';
$email = '[email protected]';

$body = [
   "customer_id"=> $customerID,  //Merchant customer identifier
   "customer_ip" => $customer_ip, //Customer IP Address
   "first_name" => $first_name, //Client first name
   "last_name" => $last_name, //Client last name
   "email" => $email Client email address
$res = $fp->voucherRedeem("pin","terminal_id","current_transaction_id",$body);


Single Voucher

Perform operations on vouchers for the purpose of validation and redemption

Validate Voucher

Query the validity and details of a voucher

Request URL : https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/validate/pin/terminal_id/current_transaction_id

Send Request Data description:

Parameter Description
Action GET
URL https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/validate/
pin VLoad 16-digit pin number
terminal_id Set by you, the Merchant, the terminal ID or device ID indicates from where the transaction is instigated (eg, website, mobile app etc), MAX 32 unique Char
current_transaction_id Set by you, the Merchant, the Current transaction ID is unique to your environment, MAX 32 unique Char

Single Voucher Response Data description:

Parameter Description
serial Serial number of the voucher (string)
value Value of the voucher transaction (decimal)
cost Commissioned value of the voucher (decimal)
currency Currency code of the voucher (string)
status Vload API will check the status of the PIN (ACTIVE or USED)
description Description of the voucher type
ean EAN of the voucher type
transaction_id Merchant transaction ID
trans_no VLoad transaction reference (string)
result Result code (number)
result_description Result description (string)
http_code HTTP response codes (string)

Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

  curl --include \

Response contains the following data:

	[result] => 0 
	[result_description] => Success 
	[transaction_id] => Trans_No_123411 
	[trans_no] => 339352 
	[serial] => 54010500000270434 
	[value] => 10 
	[cost] => 9.4 
	[currency] => EUR 
	[description] => Vload EUR 10 
	[ean] => 9350233004018 
	[status] => ACTIVE 
	[http_code] => 200 

Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

 $ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/validate/{pin}/{terminal_id}/{current_transaction_id}");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);

$response = curl_exec($ch);


Response contains the following data:

	[result] => 0 
	[result_description] => Success 
	[transaction_id] => Trans_No_123411 
	[trans_no] => 339352 
	[serial] => 54010500000270434 
	[value] => 10 
	[cost] => 9.4 
	[currency] => EUR 
	[description] => Vload EUR 10 
	[ean] => 9350233004018 
	[status] => ACTIVE 
	[http_code] => 200 

Redeem Voucher

The message body consists of a JSON structure containing data relevant to the transaction.

Request URL : https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/redeem/pin/terminal_id/current_transaction_id

Send Request Data description:

Parameter Description
Action PUT
URL https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/redeem/
pin VLoad 16-digit pin number
terminal_id Set by you, the Merchant, the terminal ID or device ID indicates from where the transaction is instigated (eg, website, mobile app etc), MAX 32 unique Char
current_transaction_id Set by you, the Merchant, the Current transaction ID is unique to your environment, MAX 32 unique Char

Single Redeem Voucher Response Data description:

Parameter Description
serial Serial number of the voucher (string)
value Value of the voucher transaction (decimal)
cost Commissioned value of the voucher (decimal)
currency Currency code of the voucher (string)
status USED (if it's successfully redeemed)
description Description of the voucher type
ean EAN of the voucher type
transaction_id Merchant transaction ID
trans_no VLoad transaction reference (string)
result Result code (number)
result_description Result description (string)
http_code HTTP response codes (string)

Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

curl --include \
     --request PUT \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"customer_id\": \"Customer\'s unique identifier\",
    \"customer_ip\": \"Customer\'s IP address\",
}" \

Response contains the following data:

	[result] => 0 
	[result_description] => Success 
	[transaction_id] => Trans_No_123411 
	[trans_no] => 339352 
	[serial] => 54010500000270434 
	[value] => 10 
	[cost] => 9.4 
	[currency] => EUR 
	[description] => Vload EUR 10 
	[ean] => 9350233004018 
	[status] => USED 
	[http_code] => 200 

Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

 $ch = curl_init();

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/redeem/{pin}/{terminal_id}/{current_transaction_id}");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, {
    \"customer_id\": \"Customer's unique identifier\",
    \"customer_ip\": \"Customer's IP address\",

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
  "Content-Type: application/json"

$response = curl_exec($ch);


Response contains the following data:

	[result] => 0 
	[result_description] => Success 
	[transaction_id] => Trans_No_123411 
	[trans_no] => 339352 
	[serial] => 54010500000270434 
	[value] => 10 
	[cost] => 9.4 
	[currency] => EUR 
	[description] => Vload EUR 10 
	[ean] => 9350233004018 
	[status] => USED 
	[http_code] => 200 

Bundle Voucher

For customers purchasing VLoad vouchers directly at vload.expert(or one of the distributors) thefollowing amounts are available:

* 10 EUR/USD
* 20 EUR/USD
* 30 EUR/USD
* 50 EUR/USD
* 100 EUR/USD
* 150 EUR/USD
* 200 EUR/USD
* 250 EUR/USD
* 500 EUR/USD

As the client’s shopping cart total may not be equal to any of the predefined voucher denominations,your client can purchase a bundled voucher for the amount of his order/deposit, rounded up to 10.

Customer Redirection to buy Bundle Voucher

Description: Bundle Voucher is only available if customer redirect to vload.expert via POST Method

Bundle Voucher Data description:

Parameter Description
action url TEST: https://test.vload.expert/cart/voucher_group
PROD: https://www.vload.expert/cart/voucher_group
currency Currency code of the voucher
amount Full amount to charge in currency specified. The amount must be specified as a number with decimal point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Decimal separator must be point (.). example: 3500.25 = Three thousand five hundred units of currency and twenty five hundredths of a single unit of currency.

HTML POST Request Sample

<form action="https://test.vload.expert/cart/voucher_group" method="POST" target="_blank">
    <input name="currency" value="EUR">
    <input name="amount" value="20.00">
	<input type="submit">

Validate Bundle Voucher

Query the validity and details of sub vouchers

Request URL : https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/validate/pin/terminal_id/current_transaction_id

Send Request Data description:

Parameter Description
Action GET
URL https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/validate/
pin VLoad 16-digit pin number
terminal_id Set by you, the Merchant, the terminal ID or device ID indicates from where the transaction is instigated (eg, website, mobile app etc), MAX 32 unique Char
current_transaction_id Set by you, the Merchant, the Current transaction ID is unique to your environment, MAX 32 unique Char

Bundle Voucher Response Data description:

Parameter Description
serial Serial number of the voucher (string)
1stvalue Sum of Bundle Value of the voucher transaction (decimal)
2ndvalue Single Voucher value (decimal)
cost Commissioned value of the voucher (decimal)
currency Currency code of the vouchers (string)
vouchers Sub Single Vouchers List (Array)
status Vload API will check the status of the PIN (ACTIVE or USED)
description Description of the voucher type
ean EAN of the voucher type
transaction_id Merchant transaction ID
trans_no VLoad transaction reference (string)
result Result code (number)
result_description Result description (string)
http_code HTTP response codes (string)
Note : if one or more of sub voucher is already used, response will be return as Voucher is used in parameter : [result_description] => Voucher is used and Result Code will be [result] => 4072

Validating Bundle Voucher request contains the following data:

  curl --include \

Response contains the following data:

 [serial] => 62083704126453510235 
 [value] => 20.00 
 [currency] => EUR 
 [vouchers] => Array 
   [0] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338310 
     [serial] => 54010500000270469 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => ACTIVE 
   [1] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338311 
     [serial] => 54010500000270470 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => ACTIVE 
 [result] => 0 
 [result_description] => Success 
 [http_code] => 200 


Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

 $ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/validate/{pin}/{terminal_id}/{current_transaction_id}");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);

$response = curl_exec($ch);


Response contains the following data:

 [serial] => 62083704126453510235 
 [value] => 20.00 
 [currency] => EUR 
 [vouchers] => Array 
   [0] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338310 
     [serial] => 54010500000270469 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => ACTIVE 
   [1] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338311 
     [serial] => 54010500000270470 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => ACTIVE 
 [result] => 0 
 [result_description] => Success 
 [http_code] => 200 


Redeem Bundle Voucher

Query the validity and details of sub vouchers

Request URL : https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/redeem/pin/terminal_id/current_transaction_id

Send Request Data description:

Parameter Description
Action GET
URL https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/redeem/
pin VLoad 16-digit pin number
terminal_id Set by you, the Merchant, the terminal ID or device ID indicates from where the transaction is instigated (eg, website, mobile app etc), MAX 32 unique Char
current_transaction_id Set by you, the Merchant, the Current transaction ID is unique to your environment, MAX 32 unique Char

Redeem Bundle Voucher Response Data description:

Parameter Description
serial Serial number of the voucher (string)
1stvalue Sum of Bundle Value of the voucher transaction (decimal)
2ndvalue Single Voucher value (decimal)
cost Commissioned value of the voucher (decimal)
currency Currency code of the vouchers (string)
vouchers Sub Single Vouchers List (Array)
status USED (if it's successfully redeemed)
description Description of the voucher type
ean EAN of the voucher type
transaction_id Merchant transaction ID
trans_no VLoad transaction reference (string)
result Result code (number)
result_description Result description (string)
http_code HTTP response codes (string)
Note : if one or more of sub voucher is already used, response will be return as Voucher is used in parameter : [result_description] => Voucher is used and Result Code will be [result] => 4072

Validating Bundle Voucher request contains the following data:

	curl --include \
     --request PUT \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"customer_id\": \"Customer\'s unique identifier\",
    \"customer_ip\": \"Customer\'s IP address\",
}" \

Response contains the following data:

 [serial] => 62083704126453510235 
 [value] => 20.00 
 [currency] => EUR 
 [vouchers] => Array 
   [0] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338310 
     [serial] => 54010500000270469 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => USED 
   [1] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338311 
     [serial] => 54010500000270470 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => USED 
 [result] => 0 
 [result_description] => Success 
 [http_code] => 200 


Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

 $ch = curl_init();

$ch = curl_init();

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://testrest.vload.expert/voucher/redeem/{pin}/{terminal_id}/{current_transaction_id}");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, {
    \"customer_id\": \"Customer's unique identifier\",
    \"customer_ip\": \"Customer's IP address\",

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
  "Content-Type: application/json"

$response = curl_exec($ch);


Response contains the following data:

 [serial] => 62083704126453510235 
 [value] => 20.00 
 [currency] => EUR 
 [vouchers] => Array 
   [0] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338310 
     [serial] => 54010500000270469 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => USED 
   [1] => Array 
     [result] => 0 
     [result_description] => Success 
     [transaction_id] => 62083704126453510235 
     [trans_no] => 338311 
     [serial] => 54010500000270470 
     [value] => 10 
     [cost] => 9.4 
     [currency] => EUR 
     [description] => Vload EUR 10 
     [ean] => 9350233004018 
     [status] => USED 
 [result] => 0 
 [result_description] => Success 
 [http_code] => 200 



The message body consists of a JSON structure containing data relevant to the transaction.

Request URL : https://testrest.vload.expert/payout/execute/current_transaction_id

Send Request Data description:

Parameter Description
Action POST
URL https://testrest.vload.expert/execute/payout
current_transaction_id Body JSON
amount The total amount paid for the transaction
currency The currency used for the transaction
customer_id Customer Id
first_name Customer first name
last_name Customer last name
email Customer email address

Payout Response Data description:

Parameter Description
code Response data (string)
description Description of the voucher type
http_code HTTP response codes (string)

Validate Voucher request contains the following data:

curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{curl_init()
    \"amount\": \"Amount paid by the customer\",
     \"currency\": \"Currency in which the transaction is done\",
     \"first_name\": \"First Name of the customer\",
     \"last_name\": \"Last Name of the customer\",
      \"email\": \"Email of the customer\"
}" \

Response contains the following data:

	[amount] => 60 
	[currency] => EUR 
	[customer_id] => 123456 
	[first_name] => David 
	[last_name] => Ramirez 
	[email] => [email protected] 

Payout request contains the following data:


$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://testrest.vload.expert/execute/payout//{current_transaction_id}");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
$body = [
"amount"=> 60,
"currency"=> 'EUR',
"first_name" => "David",
"last_name" => "Ramirez",
"email" => "[email protected]

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
  "Content-Type: application/json"

$response = curl_exec($ch);


Response contains the following data:

   [code] => 4087
   [description] => Invalid customer id.
   [http_code] => 200


EAN Descripton Amount
9350233000072 VLOAD USD 10 10.00
9350233000089 VLOAD USD 20 20.00
9350233000096 VLOAD USD 30 30.00
9350233000102 VLOAD USD 50 50.00
9350233000119 VLOAD USD 100 100.00
9350233000126 VLOAD USD 150 150.00
9350233000133 VLOAD USD 200 200.00
9350233000140 VLOAD USD 250 250.00
9350233000157 VLOAD USD 500 500.00
9350233004117 VLOAD EUR 10 10.00
9350233004124 VLOAD EUR 20 20.00
9350233004179 VLOAD EUR 30 30.00
9350233004186 VLOAD EUR 50 50.00
9350233004131 VLOAD EUR 100 100.00
9350233004148 VLOAD EUR 150 150.00
9350233004155 VLOAD EUR 200 200.00
9350233004162 VLOAD EUR 250 250.00
9350233004278 VLOAD EUR 500 500.00